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Summer Islands Crack Download For Windows 10


Updated: Dec 8, 2020

About This Game The holidays are in danger. Millions of vacationers are unable to find a suitable holiday destination. Are you the right businessman to build the unique holiday paradise everyone is looking for? To become rich and expand your paradise? But watch out, there will be competitors and some unpredictable weather that could destroy all your hopes and dreams. Summer Islands - This versatile economic simulation gives you the opportunity to build an indescribable holiday paradise. Build cabins, villas or expensive hotels right at the beach or up in the hills. After the first buildungs are completed, tourists will start to visit the island via boat or plane in hope of a great vacation. That is when the challenge begins: to please the tourists needs you can build bars, discos, golf courses, supermarkets and many other buildings that are popular with tourists and enhance your income as the islands owner. But don't underestimate your environment. There are many disasters to occur and enemies who are equally striving to make money. So make sure to always keep an eye on your holiday paradise. [/ i] "Due to adjustable seeds there are endless randomly generated atolls, archipelagos and islands. »Real-time strategic gameplay in the server-client architecture. »Single player with various challenging campaigns. »Multiplayer so you can play with friends. »Computer enemies in single and multiplayer mode. »Various buildings and recreational facilities as well as special attractions, auctions, sabotage and some unpredictable disasters. »Map editor to create and play your own world. a09c17d780 Title: Summer IslandsGenre: Indie, Simulation, Strategy, Early AccessDeveloper:MatthiasMaPublisher:MatthiasMaRelease Date: 21.06.2019 Summer Islands Crack Download For Windows 10 Update from the 4.week in april 2018 [v0.0.6]: Hello together,this time we worked on two different things.The first one is more a correction from the tornado and the clouds. In the past we hadn't a good animation of the tornado, clouds and dark clouds. So, we worked on our animation to get it more realistic and smooth. It took us a few days for just a small result. But it had to be done.On the other days we saw a trailer analysis about our Summer Islands trailer from the Schematics Team here: was great to watch and we got some nice feedback. Also some inspiration but we're not sure about the sharks with lasers. There we saw the need for the GUI scaling. We already had it on the to-do list. But it was really important to integrate it now. If some people want to see some features they must see what it is and get the impression about it. So we added a new option where you can set the GUI scale from 1.0 to 1.7. That is really the maximum for the option window.With these big buttons it is really nice to play, also with touchscreen. Maybe we can add a touchscreen mode or a pen mode or something like that. Also It would be nice to create a Smartphone version or a Console version.But for now, we’re working hard to get a stable alpha version.  Update Log:. Update from mid-July 2018 [v0.0.10]: Hello together,once again, the days have just gone by. We work with high pressure whenever we can on Summer Islands. It's really great when you look at the updates of the last months, how more and more come together. Slowly we try to do one or the other long-term test to test the stability. But there are still a few features we want to keep for you for a while and we will work on them in the next months to implement them. We are really happy when Summer Islands finally get into early access so you can play it. Until then, I'll provide you with the latest news from the last two weeks:First we created a mathematical pseudo-random model in the last weeks. We needed a calculation that always created one and the same random number at the same position over the entire course of the game. We needed this calculation for a better landscaping.Above the lndschaft is to be seen without pseudo-randomness and below with. The difference is currently still small. But you can create a better game atmosphere later because the linearity is not so noticeable to the player.As a second big feature we created the architecture for the sound effects. We all agree how important SoundFX and music are for a good gaming atmosphere. Therefore we would like to concentrate on the SoundFX for the beginning. CreateJS offers us every possibility to start with SoundJS in a simple way. We have implemented an architecture that we can build on to create a good gaming atmosphere: Update Log:. Update begin of december [v0.0.17]: Hello together,this week there was a lot of restructuring but no big appearance changes. This week was completely in the spirit of memory and calculation management. But let's start all over again. As I mentioned before, the client of Summer Islands is based on a Javascript engine called createJS. An engine that is really outstanding in terms of HTML5. It's not a grinding advertisement but the efficiency and freedom is really great. On the server side we use NodeJS which is perfect with speed. The problem with a HTML5 game is mostly the browser's limitations in terms of security. So you don't want the Javascript in the browser of a website to simply access your own files in the computer. Thus any creation/access of files must come from the server. This week we have put the focus on the creation of the exe. This means that we have files that should not be stored in the Exe and when loading the reference must be loaded from the server to the Client. So we have reduced the loading time of the Exe strongly. Because everyone who wants to play has no desire to wait long for it.To sum it up you have to say that the most important thing in a HTML5 game like Summer Islands is the architecture. You also have to constantly make new efficiency changes and optimize storage space.For example, we have exchanged arrays and maps that you use by default in INT8Arr. You have to make some architecture changes but you can improve the memory usage by 95%. With such ideas you are always busy to get a constant 60 fps.I am a bit embarrassed but I found the Javascript declaration let in the last week. If you have learned to program with Java then you are already automatically set that the location of a declaration of a variable is at the same time the definition whether the variable allows a local or global access. To avoid mistakes we now change all variables to let!An additional increase in efficiency we have managed with the Minimap. Before that, the client painstakingly created each pixel and stored it in the cache. When opening the minimap for the first time in the game, you often had to wait longer due to the size of the map. Because all pixels had to be displayed from the cache to the screen for the first time. An alternative that we are now using comes from the server. The server already creates an image of the map during the map generation which we can reload in the client. Thus we have no more waiting time with the client.But now also to a few further textures which we have integrated. As you saw a few days ago in the last tweet we integrated a cinema.The cinema belongs to the attractions and earns a little more money than other attractions. It doesn't have any special features regarding the location. So a building that always brings money in.A souvenir shop was created as a smaller shop. This is small, not expensive and always runs well with tourists. A must for every holiday island.The car business was not new but reworked. The quality as a more upscale building for the luxury segment has remained the same.We hope you also enjoy seeing Summer Islands come together in good steps. We could see that on Steam already about 1000 people have Summer Islands on their wish list. That makes us really happy to see so many people interested in Summer Islands. We are working hard towards early access.Update Log:. Update begin of november [v0.0.14]: Hello together,WHHHAAAATTT, already after one week a new update?!Yes, this time we have already integrated so many new features and fixed old ones. So we already had to create a new version.At the beginning the biggest visible feature. This week we have some new cars that make the roads unsafe. For bicycles there is a bike rental and for cars we have a car rental. For the cars we had to adjust the movements of the moving road objects a bit, especially in the curves. But the result is quite nice.Furthermore we have looked at the CPU/Memory load. How maybe some of you know there are two ways to get to a target on a system. First, you can do all the calculations every time and get the result. Or you can save the result in memory and save the calculation. To avoid unnecessary calculations and too many objects on the screen at Summer Islands we have already created some static objects as spritesheets. Thus we could keep the FPS number at 40-60 fps with an intel HD4400. So you can imagine what the system requirements will be.Another topic we tackled was the menu if you want to start a new match. What we already had was basically the basic structure. Based on that we integrated a few choices to give every player the possibility to create infinite worlds.We've also restructured the options menu to make it more ergonomic for players. A bigger and unfortunately not really visible change was accompanied by many corrections at different resolutions. We tested Summer Islands with different resolutions and still had to find some bugs. We were able to solve them successfully with a little time.We made some other changes directly at the game. On the one hand we removed the road construction button from the construction menu and placed it as a single button at the top of the screen. Because you are more often building roads and therefore you don't always want to get to the road selection via the construction menu. Another change is the preview of a building. In order not to constantly click on buildings we have changed this. Now you only need to move the mouse over the building and get the information displayed. To change the settings for the building just click on it again.Update Log:-CLIENT: Car added-CLIENT: Auto curve corrected-CLIENT: Layer to Spritesheet performance boost-CLIENT: New game menu has been provided with options-CLIENT: Options menu restructured-CLIENT: Street Button again on Screen-CLIENT: Resolution corrections-CLIENT: Mouseover buildinginfo. Update March [v0.0.20]: Hello together,in the last weeks we have made good progress again and we are slowly entering the test phases where you can once again admire the whole project. Some problems with the multiplayer communication have to be corrected in the next weeks. There are small things that must not lead to crashes in the lobby or ingame. We are confident to be able to please you with some ingame videos in the next weeks.The biggest changes this week are new SoundFX components which we have integrated. Like e.g. at construction works, at the disco or at shops for mobility. The difficulty is to calibrate them in such a way that they are actively noticed but immediately fall back into the subconscious. An atmosphere should be created with it and not a whistle concert. The positioning of the sounds in relation to the position of the viewer also presents us with a few problems in harmonizing this with the architecture of the game. But we work very hard not to have a mono sound at the end. For the course of the game we also made some changes. The biggest change is in the parks. Before, roads were essential to connect two buildings. So to say that the tourists can get from the airport to all other buildings. We have extended this principle with parks. The parks act as an extension of the connection. One can build a beautiful park at the street and behind it the other building like e.g. a hotel. Because of the park the hotel is still connected to the street and therefore accessible for the holidaymakers. However, one cannot extend a street connection by a park. Parks only extend the connection to other buildings.In the player colours there is also something new to announce. Previously we always randomly assigned the colors from a previously created texture file to the players. Since this of course does not correspond to the gaming standards, the necessary textures are now created at the beginning of the game on the basis of the colour preferences. This uses a bit more memory but it simplifies the whole color selection and texture creation process.And last but not least we don't want to deprive you of the new textures that have been created:A whole series of new airports have been created. From small with low capacity to the largest airports for the big cities.A new attraction was also added. The open-air cinema. More often to be found in sunnier regions, this building offers an exciting atmosphere for every film.At the end I would like to make a recommendation for an interview (german) that we finally gave. Who would like to have some background information I recommend to read this here: log:. Update April [v0.0.21]: Hello together,we made good progress in the last weeks and are already strong in early access planning. What still needs to be integrated? Which features will be implemented in the upcoming updates? Everything has to be tested again and so on. Due to the existing architecture it is sometimes very pleasant to make small changes and see the effects within a few minutes. You can see how the Early Access is going into the final spurt and it looks good how the individual components interact with each other.We've been working on the rough timetable in many meetings over the last few weeks. A lot of work has been done on the textures and on small changes that make the game feel better. I don't want to go into detail because every corner is still being worked on. We still have one or two features that need to be implemented before Early Access. The rest, e.g. in the lobby we set better start values or changed some map settings that just made more sense.The game statistics (mouse clicks, game time etc.) have also been removed for the time being, because the focus is simply elsewhere at the moment and it doesn't reduce the game fun without the statistics.The map editor has also been set to "coming soon". For this we have to integrate other methods to implement terraforming in the larger radius. Because I think nobody wants to change a huge world with one click for every change. For the Early Access there will be almost infinite possible worlds with the random values and seed anyway.We found the natural disasters far too gentle. Therefore we have extended the radius of destruction a bit. Earthquakes can also occur anywhere on the map where land exists. This can lead you to ruin. But with a good insurance you have less worries. ;)Of course I don't want to withhold the textures from you. Therefore here now the new textures, as well as revised:Strandhouse: Open for everyone and a dream at every location.Luxury villa: For the upscale milieu but also easy to place.Luxury hotel: Also for the upscale milieu. However, the building is much more susceptible to false neighbours.Beginner hotel: The two middle hotels. The lower one was reworked and the upper one was rebuilt. Both have their pitfalls but cheap to build.Swimming Pool: This must be for every sportsman and always popular with tourists.Tennis court & training court: The training court is always well received and easy to build. The location of the tennis court is more difficult.Market: A market is a good attraction that always brings you good money. But also not too much. ;)I hope I could give you some anticipation again and I'm already looking forward to your fun at Early Access.Update log:. Update from mid october [v0.0.12]: Hello togetherin the last weeks some great features have come together in Summer Islands which we want to present to you in this update. These are not all essential for an Early Access. But since you want to suggest a certain atmosphere in early access, which the players can adjust to, such features are indispensable. We are also getting more and more into a certain planning phase in which we work out which future updates there will be and which functions represent a basic basis that we absolutely want to integrate for early access. So in early access you have to re-evaluate Summer Islands after every update because the feel of the game is constantly redesigned by the new features.Now we come to our updates of the last weeks. On the one hand we used some stylistic means to improve the atmosphere. In short, we have integrated clouds that float across the screen from time to time. This subconsciously creates a much more lively game world.Furthermore, we have added a new natural disaster: Earthquake.The player is informed that a natural disaster is approaching and the earth is already shaking at a certain point with a certain radius. Of course the buildings can be destroyed and the terrain changed.In the next weeks we will focus on improvements of the basics so that a basic game process can develop and these game functions run without bugs. Thank you for your patience and we hope you will be so excited about Summer Islands like we are. Update Log:. Interim balance 2018: Hello together,today there are some news that you may not be so happy to receive or that you may have thought you already had. WeHello together, today there are some news that you may not be so happy to receive or that you may have thought you already had. Unfortunately we will not get into our planned time window with the early access in 2018 anymore. We are very sorry about that and we know how much some of you were looking forward to it.As you have seen, we have been trying hard over the last few weeks to get into an early access stage.Now we've decided to stop all of it...just kidding! Our planning is as follows:Early Access release in Q2 2019 at the latest.


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